I said it would be an exciting day and the excitement just gets bigger!
Our 2017 catalogue has been published on our website - go on, treat yourself, grab a brew and a biccy, your tablet and favourite armchair or that corner of the office no one knows about. Take a few minutes break and get that wish list working overtime!
Click on the tab at the top (2017 Catalogue) to go straight to it to see what all the excitement is about.
Want to see it up close and personal? book into one of my classes or contact me to arrange a demo or class with your group. barbara.azza@gmail.com / 0424201590
Of course, if you just love it all - like me... why not be like me? become a consultant. Do you know we are now recruiting in the Southern, Eastern, Western and Northern Suburbs of Perth Metro, and for that matter across country areas? A two 1/2 day (2 night) residential training course in beautiful Bunbury will be announced shortly, so contact me if you are interested and come along for two days of Azza training to get you on your way to being a qualified consultant.
Meanwhile, back to that catalogue... ooooohhh I love that, have you seen page .. (we'll you'll have to see for yourself).
What's your favourite page???
Happy reading,
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