Thursday, 21 November 2019

November New Products and last chance class

Hello again,

We are almost through November, so it is lucky that our latest catalogue (Click HERE) and special offers last through until 17 December.  The Christmas products are quite special this year - worth a look for sure.  I love wreaths and rings and we have some fantastic ones in the range this year - I foresee some stunning Christmas cards with these!

Be sure to get your orders in early as on the 18 December our logistics team lock up for a Christmas break and reopen on 13 January.  

If any of your family is stuck for your Christmas gifts they can shop on line or through me - and we do vouchers so you can choose and make Christmas last a bit longer.  You can even make it last the rest of the year with a Subscription to our Scrap n'moi Magazine.  Check out the website shop or ask me for details.  It's super value at only $65 for 4 issues.

We had a great time with the beautiful Christine Houbrechts from the Azza Creative Team in Belgium.  The WA Azza Team had a master class of our own before a customer master class the following day.   We learned how to use the new 'pom-poms' with ink to create shading to give our work real depth...  I used the technique in this close up of a page I made the following week.  Really effective, so simple and fits into the inking techniques class perfectly.

This week was the fifth session in the chalking course.  The technique we did was 'extending the picture'.  I love how it makes the photos step out into the page - 
or fills in gaps between photos.

Talking of classes, you have one last chance this year to get to a class.  This coming Saturday, 23 November I have two classes, 9.30am - 1pm has four spaces, but the 2.30 - 5pm only has two spots left.   Both are open classes for beginners to advanced. Drop me a line to grab the spot for yourself.

The new year will have more chalking classes, so let me know if you would like to join in them. There are five classes (one each month), each using the Orion template (so you will need your own) and we learn a different technique using chalks each time.  Spaces are limited but there are a couple available.  Drop me a line if you would like to join in.

Enjoy the sunshine, stay safe and carry on crafting,
until next time,