Apologies to the ladies pictured... this is a VERY old photo and I'm sure we have all changed hairstyles and shapes... remind me to take a new one next class lol.
Well ladies this is going to be the first of a few posts in the next week. There is lots to tell you about, but first I need to tell you about classes coming up in July. Please note that the Chalking Course MUST be booked in advance so I can order the items in time for them to arrive.
Basic / Intermediate Class - Saturday 13 July
Morning : 9.30am - 12.30pm
Afternoon: 2pm - 5pm
Classes are $25 per head, per class. I provide all tools and consumables, all you bring are your photos. Spaces are limited so booking is essential. You are welcome to BYO Lunch if you want to stay for both classes (ie $25x2). Contact me below to book in.
Chalking Course Part 1 - SESSION 1 of 5
Wednesday 17 July 7.30pm - 10.30pm
Saturday 20 July 2pm - 5pm
See below for details of Chalking course. Booking is essential before 2 July.
Stamping Course - ADVANCED TECHNIQUES - Total 10 Sessions
Saturday 6 July Class one
Contact me for details of this course - you need to have attended at least one of the previous courses (Chalking / Inking / Deco Stencils) as those skills are used in the building of the pages - each skill set builds on the previous. (details will be sent by email).